Tag Archives: lifestyle

In my last post I explained how I ended up in Peru through my work. It was the best time. Every day seemed better than the last one. One day we were all driven out to some vineyard. It was surrounded by huge walls and as soon as the gates…

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I feel like I’m on a rock. Only this rock is in the middle of Bangkok, on Samsen road. I’ve taken out one of those inflatable thin mattresses. You know, the ones where at first you feel alright, but later you don’t know what position to sleep in, so you…

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Today I turned 29, one more year till 30, as someone pointed out on a birthday card. I always looked at people in their 30s as grown-ups, people who have their lives sorted. Those people who look full of confidence. I feel like I never got rid of all those…

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Staying in hostels is fun, until you find yourself living in one. As soon as you enter a hostel where people are staying long-term, you’ll notice exploded pieces of luggage and people who just feel a little bit too comfortable. In Adelaide I ended up staying in a hostel for…

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