Category Archives: BC

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Instead of taking the Sea to Sky highway, you can consider walking on the Sea to Sky trail. The trail heads up north from Squamish for 180km! If you don’t feel up to tackling the whole thing, you can always try a part of it. Since I don’t have any…

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Autumn is here and while the rain may not look too inviting to get out there and explore, it can be very rewarding to do it anyway. There is just something about this season. It is unpredictable. It can be stormy. The wind blows all the colored leaves around. You…

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Fall has arrived. I don’t know how I missed it. We’ve definitely had some fall weather, but the last week was a little reminder os summer, with temperatures into the twenties. Today was the end of that. The clouds had moved in, although the rain waited until later in the…

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Suddenly it’s the end of August and I find myself wondering where the month has gone. I feel like time goes faster than ever. In another month the mountain closes for its winter preparations, so I need to make sure I go up there as much as I can. It’s…

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The High Note trail is probably my favourite hike on Whistler and Blackcomb mountains. It’s meant to take 3 to 4 hours and takes you all the way to the back of Whistler mountain, with gorgeous views over Cheakamus lake. It takes a while to get to the start, going…

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Vancouver is known to be a rainy city. When I first arrrived in Canada, now nearly a year ago, it seemed like Vancouver was living up to its image every time I visited. It didn’t stop me from exploring though. I walked along the harbour towards Stanley park. The fog…

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It felt like the first day of summer. Sure, it was the end of July, but until now it had been more like fall. Just when we started to give up on it, the sun magically appeared and people started to post photos of it on Facebook, captioning ‘What is…

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Every timeĀ I think summer is about to start, it changes to miserable, rainy days again. It is not exactly warm and sunny in Whistler yet. After sitting inside staring at my computer for two days I just had to get out though. They had recently opened up some hiking trails…

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Don’t ask me how we got there, because I don’t know. If I had to go the same way again, I’m not sure if I would find it. I had the great idea to walk to One duck lake in Whistler. Normally you walk from the Emerald area, but my…

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