Category Archives: France

This winter I spent 6 weeks in a tiny village in France. When I was looking for a place to do some remote work, while enjoying skiing on my days off, I literally looked at the best prices for accommodation. Not an easy thing… but I found something reasonable in…

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The long Easter weekend was pretty windy in the Alps. Some days I got warned when taking the lift over to the other side of the resort: the connection might close later on if the wind picks up. From the other side of the mountain it would be a long…

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Here I am, sitting on my balcony, pondering life. It’s my last day after four weeks in Morillon. It’s 26 degrees today. I feel the sun warming my skin, feeding me new energy. I look out at the mountains where some paragliders play in the sky. From this vantage point…

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While I’m looking forward to spending a full month in the French Alps in a few weeks, I’m reminiscing about my ski trips last year. Whereas I’m staying on the Northern edge of the Alps this year, in 2023 I approached the Alps from the South. In the mountains I…

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I love the serenity when I’m on my own in the chairlift. The humming of the liftThe sounds of the church bells coming up from the valleyThe birds chirpingThe quick disruption when passing a towerThe ticking of the rain on my jacket… It rained all day today, but I decided…

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Life at work has been interesting and not in a good way. With big layoffs in December, affecting my team more than others, I’m left feeling confused, angry and frustrated. Sure, I’ve still got a job, but is it where I should be? Yet I have no time for doubts.…

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Because I can’t get enough of skiing and I only have a limited amount of days off each year, I decided to try some remote work in the Alps. After finishing my holiday in Serre Chevalier, I took a bus, train and another bus to the smaller resort Les Orres.…

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For my second ski trip of the year I approached the Alps from the South of France, flying into Marseille and taking a train to Briançon. Coming up from the Mediterranean was bizarre. The coastal landscape with the typical Mediterranean pine did not fit into my skiing holiday, but slowly…

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Skiing in April… was that a smart move? After slushy slopes in March I was a bit worried. Again I took a plane to Geneva, waited at the airport, got on a bus and stared out the window, watching the scenery change. At Moûtiers we took the road uphill towards…

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I didn’t sleep well and felt really low on energy. Even just standing straight I felt like my balance was off. I didn’t want to miss out on the skiing, even though I was a bit wary when I followed the group. Today we’d go to Les Menuires, the area…

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