Tag Archives: stories

When I think about traveling in America, I think about the Greyhound. It’s a familiar concept to all of us who don’t have the luxury of a car. I traveled through California a few years ago. It was quite the experience. The strange people, the awkward timetables and eery bus…

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It’s pretty hot, the tents are pitched and the group is ready to walk. We’re dressed in sunglasses, shorts and tanktops, but our guide approaches us with a beanie and walking stick. He’d grown up here in the Cederberg mountains. After a short walk he takes off his beanie and…

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Trinity College in Dublin was founded by the protestants as a universty for men in 1592. Later, also women and Catholics were allowed. The school has been around for a while, and so has its book full of rules. Of course it has been amended over the years, but apparently…

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