From Trebbin to Seddin over 25 km
In between the Nuthe and Nieplitz rivers lies the Nuthe-Nieplitz nature park and the 66 Seen Weg goes right through it. It’s not what I expected when I heard nature park. It’s basically an area with fields and water, which is the perfect breeding place for cranes, but there are also towns spread across the land. It was very pleasant to have a day which was not mainly focused on forest. It did start that way though, at the Löwendorfer Berg. There was an unexpectedly steep climb, but a beautiful view when I happened to look back over my shoulder. At the top of the hill they also built a viewing tower. From up there I could see all the way to the TV tower in Berlin, 36 kilometers away.

I walked back down and came out of the forest near Blankensee. There is a big lake near this town, but unfortunately you can only see it for a short time. They made a boardwalk on one edge to give you a view of the lake. Swans with babies were happily swimming around. Blankensee turned out to be a very pleasant little town and a popular place for biking and walking. There are a few nice bakeries/cafés that offer a good lunch.
My walk continued on a country road. On my left I had the lake, but there were some grassy fields in between. Suddenly I saw movement. A deer and her baby were running through the fields. I stopped and watched them cross. The long road continued to Stücken and I encountered more animals along the way. On the left side of the road stood a stork, picking away at something in the grass. He didn’t even get scared as I approached and for a while I could just walk alongside him, each of us on our own side of the road.

The route followed some really rural roads after this. There were vehicles, but it was all sand and dirt tracks. There were some horses in paddocks, kids doing some sort of geocaching or treasure hunt and I saw two people doing some work in a field. Then I passed behind a bathing spot at the Kähndorfer lake before I found some roads in between fields filled with wildflowers. The poppies were just incredible! What a perfect time of year to walk here!
At Wildenbruch, another very cute looking town, I wrapped around the Seddiner See. You can walk all around the lake, but this side was the quieter side. A small path took me behind a golf course and then a bit more into the forest, always at the lake’s edge. There were some beautiful bathing spots and a campground that looked so cozy. I imagine it would be great spending a weekend there and enjoying the area. At the end of the lake, I also reached the end of my walk though.

How beautiful photos you presented! Thank you sharing them with us.
Have a good day!
Thanks for the compliment. You have a great day too!