Strausberg Stadt to Rüdersdorf
It’s my 8th day on the 66 Seen Weg. I’m not sure how many lakes I’ve passed by now, but today I’ll add some to the list. I’m leaving from the S-bahn station Strausberg Stadt and start retracing my steps along the Straussee. Today is a working day and a cloudy one too, so there aren’t too many people around. After a while I do meet a couple that seems to have the same walking speed. When I rest they overtake me and when they rest I overtake them again. They seem to be walking the same route.

Just before the Herrensee lake I lose the trail, take a detour and then find my way again. On the other side of the lake are beautiful fields with grasses and yellow flowers. Then I walk through the edge of Eggersdorf. It feels very rural and I walk through a little valley behind the houses. I get startled by an animal, but have no idea what it was as it quickly dives deeper into the forest.

After Strausberg station there is a very pretty and unexpected piece of forest in the Unteres Annatal called Lange Dammwiesen. There are several benches where you can picnic and there are signs explaining about the nature here. The ‘wiesen’ are the meadows you see through the forest here and there.

When I exit the forest I’m in Hennickendorf. The cows and their calves are out in the fields. Hennickendorf is another popular summer getaway and there is even a walking trail past all the historical landmarks. The 66 lakes trail also passes some, like the Wachtelturm. From this tower you’re meant to have a great view over all the surroundings. It was used to spot fires in the past. Unfortunately it was closed because of Covid-19. You climb up the hill to visit it and then decent again on the other side, on your way to the small Stienitz lake.

At the big Stienitz lake I follow a boardwalk and then find a nice place for my lunch at some benches near the water. There are three cyclists as well, who ask where I’m going and then leave wishing me well. A swan is splashing around in the water right in front of me. The weather seems to be turning now, with dark clouds approaching. Somehow it’s like this all day, an alternation of some sunshine and then dark clouds. The Stienitzsee stays by my side as I continue, although I don’t see much of it as I walk.

I’m approaching the end of my walk in Rüdersdorf. A few times I cross the Mühlenfliess river. Some houses have their backyard right on the water’s edge. Throughout my walk I’ve seen many beautiful properties. Rüdersdorf also has a museumpark. In this area they used to dig out the limestone and now the former quarry is a museum. You can learn about its history and geology. The last part of my walk today takes me around the fence of the park for a long time. Unfortunately I only get a glance into the park. A road with old railway tracks takes me to the last lake of the day, or rather more a pond. Then I follow the street to the tram that will take me back in the direction of Berlin. See you again tomorrow Rüdersdorf!