Day 12: Wendisch Rietz to Leibsch
I had company on my walk today. My housemate decided to come along and we were lucky because my other housemate offered to pick us up at the end. Leibsch doesn’t have the best connections. In the weekend it’s not connected at all! The next 26 km took us through the forest and past lakes, deeper into the Spreewald, one of the most popular areas of Brandenburg. The Spreewald is also known as a biosphere, and we ended up having a few wildlife experiences.
It started with a big snail that was making its way across our trail. A bit further we stumbled upon a meadow with Highland cows. There were even a few adorable calves. Unfortunately we scared one. It panicked and ran away from us, towards a bunch of goats. Then it got scared by the goats and jumped back and forth, until finally it ended up staring at us, terror in its face. I guess karma came to bite us in the bum because not much later my friend screams. There was a black snake on the path. About 1,5 hours later I scream. A long, thin, green snake was slithering through the grass.
We also passed some beehives and what we think was a wasp nest. We didn’t see it, but the sound of buzzing was intense enough to make us run. When we reached the Godnasee we decided it was time for lunch. We were debating finding a beach, but then we saw a little bench and settled for that. It was a good thing too, because the Godnasee turns out to be where home sapiens spends their time in their birthday suit. I was getting up to stretch my legs when a man walked by butt naked. When we continued our walk we saw several more places where people were enjoying the sun naked. Some East German heritage I guess.
Coming out of the forest again we saw the gulash canon, a food stall where a lot of locals were having lunch. We decided to share a second lunch with a radler. I expected something more spectacular when they advertise with gulash canon! I basically had pasta with cut up sausage cubes in a sweetish sauce. After lunch we walked along the stretched out Neuendorfer See and then into the fields. The tall grasses had loads of wildflowers sticking out between them. Then we reached the lock of Leibsch and finished in this small town. It has many stork nests on high poles and we saw several storks as we did a last short walk through the town with our other flatmate. We finished the day with some farmer’s ice cream and then drove back to Berlin.
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