Category Archives: Germany

The most common response to me choosing to go to Bremen, in Germany, is ‘why?’. “Well… to go to language school.” “O. But why Bremen? Why not Berlin, or Hamburg or München?” So I thought Bremen would be full of Germans and wouldn’t have any tourists. It seemed like nobody…

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So, how mad do you need to be to want to live in a castle? To feel like a princess every day? To feel like you are in your own movie? Not too mad I reckon. If only I had the money. I would buy this little beauty on the…

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Walking into Sachsenhausen is one of the most bizarre, eery and emotional things I’ve done as a tourist. I went on a chilly day at the start of the year. Only two nights before had I been celebrating the new year and gazed at the fireworks. Now I plowed through…

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I was so excited to go to Berlin. My parents drove me to the airport in Düsseldorf for a Ryanair flight to Berlin. Looking at the departure signs I could not find my flight. Hmm… I went looking for the Ryanair desk, but couldn’t find that either. I check my…

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I never really saw the point in having a credit card. I am not a person who purchases things she cannot afford. I am a saver. First the money, then the things. I quickly saw the advantages of credit cards when an ATM in Berlin decided to eat my card.…

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