Playa Larga was put on my Cuba itinerary because I really wanted to do a day of diving. It’s located in the Bay of Pigs, where the US tried to invade Cuba in the 60s. It was a very short stay, but I got my dives in. And just look at the water! It was amazing!

The diving was absolutely gorgeous too! I did have a dive buddy who wasn’t actually certified to dive, which made me wonder about the company I went with. How professional were they really? And what else did they do that was not quite right? I found out that my mouth piece was pretty torn, so when I turned my head a certain way, my regulator would pop out of my mouth. And also, the dive guide fed the fish. This is something so unnecessary, but he wanted to attract lots of fish for us. Really, there was enough to see. The coral was quite beautiful and I saw a bunch of different fish.

Whether you had experience or not, we got the option to go diving in the Cenote and explores the caves. I happily passed this opportunity, since my worst nightmares are of getting stuck in small spaces. Now imagine that underwater with a group of inexperienced divers. So I just admired the underwater life outside of the confined spaces. And of course I enjoyed the sun and crystal clear waters.

totally Kewl ๐ in 1065 i was 9 years old with a single 38 an no reserve onmy back offa sandy eggo california an dove for many years up an down da coast to baja etc etc,,,befor eall the abs an lobsters were all fished out, was fun back then , moved to colorado 20 years ago, an one thing i miss bout cali is the ocean an diving. anyhow thanks fer reminding me of da past! an enjoy ur diving when ya can is a blast huh…Luv ur pics an ur dive articles very kewl yes indeed ๐