
One of Brussels landmarks can be found outside the center. So on a dreary day in January I took the metro out to the Atomium. This big silver monument was built for the world expo of 1958. It is a blown up version of the element Iron, so you’ll see…

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We live in the days of internet and computers full of our personal information. In my life, the good old notepad has not been replaced entirely though. Facebook, blogs and twitter are great ways to keep everyone at home up to date on your latest news, but while traveling, these…

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I have a mini traveler in my house. An unwanted guest you can’t just tell to leave. In a way he/she is just as much of an explorer as I am and it makes me think about how locals see me when I am wandering through their town.

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A little something us bloggers can relate to, even if it’s slightly narcissistic!

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It’s pretty hot, the tents are pitched and the group is ready to walk. We’re dressed in sunglasses, shorts and tanktops, but our guide approaches us with a beanie and walking stick. He’d grown up here in the Cederberg mountains. After a short walk he takes off his beanie and…

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Trinity College in Dublin was founded by the protestants as a universty for men in 1592. Later, also women and Catholics were allowed. The school has been around for a while, and so has its book full of rules. Of course it has been amended over the years, but apparently…

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It’s early in the morning and I join the school children in a variety of uniforms on the train from Sydney CBD to Cronulla. From Cronulla I take the little ferry to Bundeena. As I board the sky turns dark blue and grey. It won’t rain will it? Then the…

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The first week on the cherry farm was tough. On a hill that used to have grapes, the farmer is planting cherry trees. They are growing quickly, so an irrigation system has to be made. For about 60 long rows, that is not an easy job. At 7 o’clock the…

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In Europe I go to the shops and pay whatever the cash register tells me to pay. In South Africa however, I had to get used to haggling. Pay the full price for that awesome African statue on the market and you’ll be laughed at. Then you’re that dumb tourist.…

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