Tag Archives: photography

Whistler has a lot of hiking to offer, but there is one hike that is not promoted but that everyone wants to do anyway. In 1956 a train crashed. The boxcars were blocking the tracks so they were pulled into the forest. They have been there ever since. Many people…

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This snake was on our path on a hike in Cuba. I love the way it curves like a windy road climbing steeply up a mountain.

No idea who lives in this house, but number 4811 has a lively bird.

It’s super hard for me to choose which photos I love the most. Some look good, others remind me of a fun moment and yet others show the beauty of the places I have seen. And I have seen many! I took my camera almost everywhere and thus I have…

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I was just walking through the streets of Singapore, trying to get a feel for the city. There were tall skyscrapers and colorful buildings, a river and restaurants. Then I suddenly see these chairs standing in a row. Upon closing inspection they are chained to the fence. The ordinary became…

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After visiting some Italian cities, my group went to a villa in Chianciano Terme. It was amazing to see the quiet little town after the busy streets of Rome and the overwhelming buildings in Florence. There were no other tourists here. All we saw were tiny streets, where cars struggled…

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I’m going home for a visit to the Netherlands soon. This weeks photo challenge is therefore very suitable. Let’s look for some orange around the world!

I bought a new tough camera and today I took it out for a test. It was a gorgeous day, although a little windy. At Breeze Col it was more like Stormy Col. The wind was blowing the tall grasses against the mountainside as I descended towards the beach of…

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Newcastle, just north of Sydney, is a very Industrial city. It is well known coal for its coal that gets shipped everywhere. The harbour is a fascinating place to visit and look how the massive ships get in and out. This fisherman’s got it.

I like road tripping, but no matter how much I enjoy staring at the landscapes I pass when I’m driving, it’s even better getting out of the car to explore. On the way from Christchurch to Arthur’s pass, you drive past Castle Hill. The place is popular for bouldering, but…

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