After spending the week indoors at the office, it’s great to get out on the weekends. It’s especially great when the weather works out too. It wasn’t really warm, but the sun was out and the clouds in the sky showed no sign of showers. I needed to clear my head, so I took a train out to Brighton Beach and started walking along the Bay Trail. The trail goes on and on around the Port Phillip Bay. I just picked a section that was easy to reach by public transport.

You can choose to bike or walk the trail, so I went on foot. For parts of it you walk on a shared bike & foot path, but on foot you can also go down to the water or follow small sandy trails through the vegetation. I wasn’t very far from civilization at all, with a road running very close to the coastline pretty much all the way, but it certainly felt like I was miles away. I definitely wasn’t the only one out. It was a very windy day and there were lots of kite surfers out on the water. There were families at the playgrounds and in the picnic areas, people running or biking and others that were walking just like me.
The weather wasn’t quite warm enough for a beach day, but I walked past some beautiful beaches and I hope I can make it out there some time this summer. I walked past Ricketts point marine sanctuary and around the corner until I saw a loooong beach ahead. I’d arrived in Mentone and headed to the train station. I’d had enough for one day. Nothing clears your head like a good walk. I felt my thought had drifted out towards the ocean. Satisfied I sat on the train home. What a wonderful afternoon.